Services Provided
Personalised Training Programs
Delivered online through the online Coaching Platform Training Peaks. Your training program is created for you, taking into account your goals, your current fitness and crafted to assist you get the most out of the time you have to train.
Online Coaching
$70 Startup Fee +
$70 a fortnight paid in advance.
One on One Run Training
Nervous about getting started, running alone or do you just need to be kept accountable. I can come to you or suggest a venue to explore and give you the confidence to challenge yourself and take your running and fitness to another level.
$70 per session up to an hour in duration
Event Preparation & Planning
Signing up to your event is the easy part. How to get to the start line adequately prepared is another matter. Assistance preparing a race plan, some help navigating the myriad of gear options, fine tuning your hydration and nutrition strategy or even how to plan your travel if your event requires it can be provided.
$65/hour typically at a venue convenient to you.